Dear West Covina Christian Church,

As we regather as a church, we are seeking to do so in the most responsible ways possible.  This includes being mindful of the safe guidelines that have been given to us by our health and government leaders and giving our congregation various participation options so that you can do what you feel is best for you and your family.  This also means that we are conscious of the reality that there are spiritual, emotional, and relational needs that we want to help meet as well.  With all of this in mind, WCCC has a 4 Phased Regathering Plan.

Download Our Regathering Plan

As we implement this Regathering Plan, please realize that this plan requires flexibility.  It is impossible to predict far in advance when it will be best to move from one phase to the next, but we will communicate phase movement when the times come.  Also, there may be times when we must alter the plan.  We appreciate your patience and understanding.  Throughout this process, we have sought God for what He wants for regathering WCCC.  God has been faithful to us and we are excited about how He will continue to lead us forward.

Under His mercy,

Pastor Kory and the Regathering Committee